The Dialed Health Vert Challenge is a PR of vertical ascent in one ride! Whether that is 5K, 10K, or 29K(Everest), the goal is to expand our belief in what we’re capable of. Be a part of the event from anywhere in the world(and on any bike) by joining the Dialed Health Strava Club and submitting your ride by using the title: DHVERTCHALLENGE between Sept. 24th-Sept 30th.

- Complete your PR VERT RIDE Between September 24-30th
- Any bike(Road, Gravel, XC, Enduro)
- Any route(tarmac, dirt, repeats, loop, etc.)
- Complete ride within 1 Day(24 Hours)
- *PR your distance if Vert is not available
- *You DO NOT need to be a member to participate
THE PRIZE ($500 Value)
Garmin Edge 830 & Sensor Bundle (heart rate monitor & speed/cadence sensor)

How To Win
To be clear, this is not about who climbs the most. We'll choose a winner based on the ride that inspires us the most. In your Strava Ride Description, write a short paragraph or two describing the ride. Example of things to talk about:
- What was your previous PR?
- Did you ever doubt that you could finish?
- What did you learn about yourself or your ride performance from the ride?
Include at least 1 photo from the ride(ideally a "selfie" as your first photo and then pictures of the terrain, views, food consumed, etc.)
Order T Shirt & Sticker Bundle Here
He will be climbing a total of 29,032 Vertical Feet(Mount Everest) on his MTB trail bike. Here are his thoughts leading up to the attempt.
“I honestly think I can do this, but just barely…My recent double century on the road bike was great for saddle time, but still only cracked 15K. There’s no doubt I’m stepping into uncharted territory, but the mystery is what’s fueling me. Excited to experience this feeling with the Dialed Fam.”
Do you have any questions? Feel free to shoot amber@dialedhealth.com an email, or jump on the DHVERTCHALLENGE forum thread.

- Minimum 2 Total Body Strength Sessions Per Week-Recommended to use dialedhealth.com workouts to make sure the programming meets your needs as a cyclist.
- Daily Mobility-It can be even one specific stretch, deep tissue release, or activation drill. Staying on top of your aches and pains will help ensure a "flare-up" doesn't prevent you from accomplishing the goal.
- Adding Ride Volume-Try small increases to each session and/or 1 large ride every 2-3 Weeks to start working toward your PR. It's normal to feel pressure to massively increase your training volume in preparation for something like this, but remember: CONSISTENCY WINS.
This challenge is individual so that you can START MOVING FORWARD in a safe and realistic way. With that being said, it should scare you at least a little bit...