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Desk Posture Fix: The Chin Tuck & Standing Foot Rest

Derek Teel on September 22nd, 2020

The Chin Tuck

Wouldn't you expect a trainer who is constantly focused on proper movement, bracing, and posture to always look like this?  I would too...

Unfortunately, I'll end up in this poor position within just a few short emails.  The truth is, I understand that improving your posture takes constant reminders throughout the day.  One cue that has helped me avoid this position more often has been the "Chin Tuck."  I've found it to be more appropriate than just retracting your shoulders and "puffing your chest up" at times, because the "forward head jut" tends to come before the obvious rounded position.

Think of the "chin tuck" as pulling your chin to the back of your head.  When you try it for the first time, place your index finger on your chin and allow yourself to push.  This, combined with active pulling of your posterior neck muscles will do the trick.  Watch the progression that takes place in the photos as I move back to the ideal position.

Getting closer, but not there quite yet.

Yep, that's the sweet spot.  If you're able to film yourself or have someone available to take a photo of you(side profile) while you're in the "perfect posture," it can help you correlate the feeling of being in that position.  That visual can be surprising, if what you thought the ideal position is actually isn't(this happens to me all the time).  Make the adjustments necessary to allow for the natural curve of your cervical spine to be a more normal position(notice the curve from my upper traps to the base of my skull.

Standing Foot Rest

Here's a bonus for anyone lucky(or resourceful) enough to have a standing option for your desk:  Grab a foam roller or yoga block to place under your desk.  Lifting one leg can help neutralize your pelvis and alleviate back pain that comes with standing for a long duration.  If you need some mental distraction to stay on task, the movement of the foam roller can help as well.


Since the recent shift to training full time online via dialedhealth.com, I have needed to remind myself of these techniques more than ever.  Like your strength training, it's the long term compounded hours that make the most difference.  Don't expect perfection, but have these at your disposal when you catch yourself slipping into old habits.  It's worth the extra effort.